is done!
Well, truthfully it was finished about 3:30 on Thursday afternoon. I just lacked another pair of hands to take pictures for me. And my usual photographer didn't get home before dusk either Thursday or Friday. Such are the hard times that befall us these short winter days. Even more apalling, it actually snowed last night! Really!
Anyway, we headed off to the park to get the shot I have been waiting for all these months:

See? Sweater named York? City of York? Get it? Even better, just a block or so over is Raglan Ave. Be prepared. There was a 'York Region' park bench that I wanted to get a shot of, but there was a guy sitting on it, and he just didn't seem to be the sharing type.
Yep, the sweater odyssey is over. I can't believe that a sweater this simple took so long to complete. A testament to a short attention span if ever I saw one.
But I don't regret a minute of it (well, except for having to rip back BOTH sleeves upon the discovery that the cast on edge was just too loosey-goosey for my own admittedly low standards).

York from Noro Knits (by Jane Ellison)
Noro Silk Garden 247, just under 8 balls
Started August 2006, finished January 11, 2007
Final word? LOVE IT!
One word of warning, though: I used almost an entire ball more than the pattern called for in my size. And there was a lot of this:

This drives me a little crazy at the best of times, but in Noro it is even worse because the breaks in the yarn ALWAYS break up colour patterns. Until I wised up and started spit-splicing, I had ends dangling from every edge. The thing is, I have knit two clapotises and a sweater previous with noro yarns, and the random knots are usually the exception, not the rule. Maybe this bag caught Mr. Noro on a bad day. Still, I love the yarn and wouldn't hesitate to use it again. And the sweater itself is extremely comfortable and wearable and well-fitting. Even despite the fact that I apparently missed part of the neck shaping on the fronts. Did I mention a short attention span?
So, as soon as I finish that trekking sock and Mike's sweater (wait, did I say finish the sweater? how about start?) then I can freely start on a whole new batch of knits for 2007!

(see? snow!)
You and York look fantastic!! It was totally worth the wait (I just typed "weight" for some reason). And such clever photographs. I'm uber impressed. Can't wait to see York in person next week. I'll bring Tubey!
The imaginary photographs in my head were much more stylish... but I was taller and much more sophisticated looking. But these ones are nice too.
Our sweaters can have a playdate!
Tee hee, you sound like the Harlot. She's always saying things like that :)
optime factum!
I love it!
Noro Knits was on my 'to buy when I win the lottery' list, but I think I might just have to go do it sooner.
I love the sweater.
nice work! we got snowed on the other day but it was gone by early afternoon.
York looks great, looks like both you and the photographer were having fun.
New York, New York! You did a beautiful job and I love the colourway you chose.
Thanks everyone!! Now if only I could stop wearing it constantly.
I knew it! Swings make my butt look big!
It's lovely! And Gen beat me to the butt shot comment. :)
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