Instead of cleaning my apartment or seaming my sweater, or even running my errands, I have been waffling over what sweater I want to knit next for me. Never mind that I promised my husband that his sweater would be my priority. It will still be next, but I need something to which I can look forward. A carrot, in other words.
After a session of pattern-flipping, and having consulted my to-knit list, these are the current contenders:

Rowan Felted Tweed (colour: Blaze 149) for Salina:


Rowan Kid Classic (colour: Victoria 852) for Greek Pullover:

Any thoughts? I seem to be in a very Rowan mood today.
Salina! Salina! I think the Greek Pullover is a bit too airy for our impending cold winter. Be warm!
Hmmm... Salina is lovely but so is the Greek Pullover. You could always try swatching and see which one is easier to get gauge on.
go with Salina. Blaze is a great colour that will look amazing on you. also, i'd find it hard to resist anything called "felted tweed."
Great choices, both, but I particularly love the Greek Pullover. I remember when I got the magazine thinking how lovely it was.
I hope you'll be able to get to both of them eventually, though -- they're both worthy of your knitting time, I'd say!
Is it still to early for me to start e-mailing you daily with "Is the yarn here yet?" messages? All this talk about sweaters makes me want to start mine!
Oh, and I'm always a fan of the Greek Pullover, but the general consensus seems to be Salina :)
The sweater is great, and so is tha yarn.
Go with what you love, I am no judge of sweaters, since I am usually warm.
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